Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pussy Rights # 2

Yes I have been telling you this before. 
I have been hugely very busy after reception in ministry. 

I have also said sorry for this. 

I have been hugely very busy i have cancelled psycholotrist, i have cancelled writing on this freedom and liberating blogging of Veronica Ludmila.

Now I tell what happened at reception of ministry.

Many young civil servants write on banners for reception.
They r writing like: enough is enough. Do not accept anymore. 
They write with red, blue, green and black colors. 
They r printing many pamphlets.
They r printing so many leaflets. 
They bring them in boxes and boxes. 
They work very hectic and walk up and down n up and down aisle in ministry.
The minister enters, claps hands, welcome welcome everyone. 
Welcome to our little party.

As i have said before, i am invited as representative of prostitutes of world united of peace and friendship.

Minister is saying: women (well, only women of color - the white women r white enough, but we dont say this, we know this, as fact.  OK so minister does nt say this, but this is what Veronica Ludmila hears)
of the world must unite. The revolution must begin.
Minister is now on top of chair saying words. 

Everyone is clapping into their hands very hard, and smiling very much.

 Afterwards they will lick back and say what minister wants to hear.

I hope minister knows this or minister will be very stupid.
I hope minister knows this or empire will collapse.

All empire collapse coz of blindness and inflatedness like gas in a balloon.
All empires collapse coz of selfindulgence and no openess towards others.

Now i will sleep. 
Untill morning i am still ur
favorite Ukranian prostitute.

Good nite n  good luck.

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